Sunshine at Wasdale (Day 580)

A most excellent evening was had with Pam and Richard last night.
The morning wander up the hill was a little later than usual, but I crunched up the frosty path in beautiful strong sunshine. I was too warm despite not having a jacket on. Not bad for December.
I spent a while finishing off a little bit of stuff in the house, and after lunch took the dogs to Wasdale. The sun shone on us again, and the view across to Hoy was lovely. I know there is a huge flare spot in the middle of my shot today, but I decided to leave it rather than spend time fiddling about trying to make it go away.
Back home, I sorted out the woofers before zooming into to town to collect some pellets for the boiler.
Unfortunately my beautiful wife has been a bit under the weather all day, fingers crossed she is back to herself very soon.

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