Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

A different perspective

Another lovely day. Lazy start; we got very tired yesterday, eventually went out late morning to Hamsa which is a place around the corner where they do shakshouka (without the egg), with flatbreads and tahini. Makes for a great start to the day.

We were going to the Schindler factory but there were queues outside and it was snowing, so we went next door to the Kraków museum of modern art, which is quite amazing. Really beautiful space and exhibits and installations that do what good art should do - make you think and feel. Won’t even begin to describe it, check out their website.

One part of the galleries has a glass floor (or ceiling depending on whether you are upstairs or downstairs) so I lay on it and got TSM to photograph me in free fall position (see extras). Call it my contribution to art.

Had a couple of vodka shots in the gallery cafe and browsed the bookshop before visiting a local shopping centre where TSM got her own snood. I have to say it has been great having that and a decent winter coat. Despite the snow and the cold I’ve  not been feeling the chill.

Ate in the Cafe Mlynek this evening, a little veggie / vegan place a few hundred yards away. Lovely spot, we went there last time we were here; really warming wholesome food, split level cranky interior with a jumble of old furniture and a piano ... another great little place. Got a fab pic of the snowy street as we walked up (see extras).

More snow forecast for tomorrow ... bring it on ...

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