Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


Our second time in Kraków. A chance to recharge our batteries and get back in touch with our true selves. Easy flight over, short taxi ride in from the airport.

We walked and went for coffee in an amazing little place that sums up everything I love about this city, somewhere warm and cultured where people go to work, read, talk and just think.

Felt wonderful watching the sun go down on all the old buildings. Architecturally it is a diverse and beautiful city with gothic and medieval monuments, Renaissance palaces and beautiful Baroque churches. Where it is being renovated it is generally tasteful and chic; where faded, it is mostly beautiful and poignant.

In the evening we had fantastic burgers at a vegan burger joint then went to a cranky little bar, again full of atmosphere and comfy chairs and very chilled people. Passed lots of interesting shops including a place that does violin repairs (see extra).

Staying in a lovely modern apartment on the edge of the old Jewish district. Feels very homely. The landlord even got us some soya milk. There are lots of vegan opportunities here (including a vegan kebab shop believe it or not) so we hope to do okay food wise. And of course there is the vodka ...

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