Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Check up

I had a follow up appointment with the orthopaedic team today. I’ve been looking forward to this for months, as I’m pretty fed up with the lack of progress. But now I know I just have to get on with it.

The X-rays showed that my knees are perfect. Well, the new bits that have been added are perfect. My 23 year old hip is also perfect. The consultant was very sympathetic as I complained about my lack of movement ('We never promised you'd get full movement back'), which is true- I just kind of assumed hoped I would... The general aches and pains could be coming from my back and also affecting my knees.*sigh*

However, I had a lovely stroll both ways over the Meadows, with a wee diversion on the way home to the cafe to get a couple of cardamom buns.

JR skipped the gym this morning, and so to make up for it she took Archie round by the duck pond and up the hill in the afternoon. They walked the whole way, taking my phone for some photos. And so my walking app is showing 14,108 steps!! Wow.

I rested my knees and watched tennis.

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