Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

New regime?

Went to the new gym today - ie the one at home on the freebie exercise bike. And I managed to keep going for 40 minutes, though I did have more wee rests than normal. I think this will work quite well, and may freeze my city gym membership again. No use paying £30 a month to sit on a their bikes.

A new walker came to meet Archie today. Her name is Elizabeth, but thankfully she goes under the name 'Libby'. We couldn’t have Archie being confused. She's a psychology student, lives down the road and has Wednesday afternoons off. She went to the Links with JR and Archie, where he demonstrated his 'deafness' when called to come.

Archie didn’t get up during the night - he lasted till 6.30am. I could hear his stomach making really loud gurgling noises - he was a bit puzzled by it all, and kept running around, trying to get away from it.

I've watched some tennis this afternoon, but have spent most of the day watching all the political stuff. What a mess!

While I was on the bike, I was looking out into the back garden (a much better view than at the real gym) and noticed the lovely colour of the winter hosta leaves, so Archie and I had a closer look.

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