A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Spot the Dog

Super autumnal walk this morning. We had a bonus Anna companion as her school is closed to pupils today.

A generally companionable morning as we had one of Anna's new school friends over. I guess it's one of the things that will probably take longer, or will be different anyway for us to get to know her new friends so it was really nice to meet one this morning.

After lunch the friend left and Peri arrived to take Anna off for her introduction to the dark arts of bouldering. So far Peri has a 100% record of those he takes loving it. And for some that being an understatement. And he's taken a lot of people. Anna didn't break his record. I'm beginning to suspect they pump something into the air there.

Mondays seem to have become a regular bouldering day for Jackson too so him and Cam went after school today. This does mean I am without my Monday tea time entertainment troupe but as I am coming out of retirement this week for a work event I was grateful for the extra quiet time. I, of course, don't feel ready but frankly I never have before anything so I should be used to it.

The lurgy clings on by its fingertips with a tight chest and cough restricting anything you might call exercise but I have a Dr appointment in the morning and maybe they may be able to help prize them off.

Meanwhile I have just discovered a new series of W1A which is a joy.

Lesley x

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