A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

We found it!

Those paying close attention will recall that on Bank Holiday Monday we headed to Hampstead Heath and had a mighty fine yomp but failed to find The View. Thanks to some wise blippers we learned that what we needed was the Parliament Hill bit. So we were delighted when our friends invited me and J to join them on a jaunt that way. Before this there had been some mini bouldering in the playground and after this there was a long game of hide (kids) and seek (grown ups) and walk around the ponds and into Hampstead to find the Horseshoe Pub and a splendid roast lunch. And back to our friends for a climb up their scaffolding.

Home for a slightly stressful homework session and the challenge of getting Anna to wear a mouthguard - she has a really strong gag reflex but they are compulsory for playing hockey. Not sure how we are going to overcome this one - any ideas welcomed!

Oh, and in case you are wondering it's not that Carlos and Anna were NFI - they already had plans and headed out on the boat to Canary Wharf and jazz Sunday lunch at Boisdale for his birthday present from her. Fabulous was the verdict and suggestions we all head back there soon.

Lesley x

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