A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Are we done yet?


What we mainly learned at our first dog show is that dog shows are largely for the benefits of humans and not for dogs. It almost felt like an act of cruelty to take Albi to the place that we often take her to play with other dogs and not only are there about 100 times more dogs than usual but she is not allowed to play with any of them as they are all to be kept on leads.  As is she. And being judged is a bit dull. Though she did put her best efforts into being Best Bitch 1-2 years old it appears that she is not the Best Bitch 1-2 years in Chiswick. Nor does she have the waggiest tail.  However, she was a natural at FlyBall which we only really did as it seemed to be the one opportunity to actually let her have a play.  A fun outing and an interesting experience but I'm not sure I'd be in a rush to go back. 

Still it was a gloriously sunny day and there was some good doggy accessory shopping to be done and Albi now has a smart new collar and lead. And a turning up rosette...

Oh and I nearly forgot she did get headhunted to be a therapy dog by a company who take dogs into offices to calm down stressed out office workers so she may be able to start earning her keep. 

Lesley x

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