Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky


This could well be a blue dasher dragonfly.  That is the nearest I can come to an identification.  There are a lot of damselflies and dragonflies down by the river at the moment.  I spent the morning in the market and having coffee in the square.  The afternoon was spent in a meeting with our project director for the installation of the bells.  We want to get our ducks lined up before an important meeting with representatives from the Mairie on Tuesday.  We now have all the costings, the structural survey and a lot of the finance in place as well as a comprehensive project implementation plan.  It now just requires getting the approval of the council and local opinion and legal agreements with the historic buildings of France.  Perhaps 'just' is the wrong word but we do have the strong support of the two deputy mayors and the acquiescence of the mayor himself.  Local politics is so important in these matters and my roll is try to smooth the way!

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