A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Keeping Cool


Though I am more struggling to keep cool about the overwhelming number of plates I seem to be spinning. Only myself to blame but if nature abhors a vacuum it turns out that my nature abhors the potential for any sort of organisational vacuum which may result in things not going well when it was totally avoidable. I am more than happy with last minute all hands to the deck if there is a good reason. When it is blindingly obvious for a gazillionty millennia in advance that shit is happening and something will therefore need to be done about it and it is not I get a bit twitchy. And I almost never play chicken with it so I find myself responsible for far too many things in the next five weeks.

On the plus side I have squeezed in some more planning of social things to keep me sane.

Meetings with J's school and an agreement he won't be going again until September. Meeting with his science tutor to plan an approach to help that happen. And a plan for him for a very busy day tomorrow which includes a trial of a new sport.

In contrast my aim is to factor in some lying in The Chair time which has been sadly lacking of late.

Lesley x

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