A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


Even by my standards I may possibly be over-adminned today. It could just be the heat...I have failed miserably on my mission to spend even a minute in The Chair. But an enormous amount has been achieved. Not least toward sourcing 60 costumes for the Y6 show.

And stuff for the leavers' book and the school fair. And I only lost my rag once when someone wanted the most pathetic spoon-feeding possible. Fortunately it was over email so I was able to emote all I wanted with no-one seeing and I wrote a lovely British email by return that was dripping with sarcasm but could equally pass muster as perfectly civilised.

And there was of course more taxiing to the theatre in Ealing for the dancers. Tomorrow we start the beginning of the end with the first show.

Tomorrow looks to be even busier than today. But I believe will have a slightly cooler backdrop.

Final thing to note is Jackson's highly (haha) successful first bouldering trip with the wonderful and amazing Pericles. Followed by a wander along the river with his friend Jack.

Lots done and all good.

No photos taken other than a note of who needs ballet shoes. Any spare pairs in the marked sizes let me know!

Lesley x

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