A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


In a tiny break from theatricalities, here is the long promised Chelsea Garden Show Fringe offering from Chiswick House and Gardens. Had this been more timely the flowers at the front would have more clearly spelled out The Beatles but hopefully if you squint a bit you'll get the idea. Early walk in an attempt not to kill the dog. Though I shall have to revise my view of where Golden Retrievers rank on the doggy brain scale as they were the only ones cooling off in the lake today.

J meanwhile went off for a maths lesson which is his new Monday morning regime.

And at lunch time we both headed to the, thankfully well air-conditioned, gym.

There has been small amounts of catching up with things, mainly social planning and laundry when I think about it, and large amounts of drinking iced drinks. Including the recently discovered totally delicious almond milk, iced flat white.

And zero complaining from me. I love this weather.

Oh, and if you're wondering about the flowery theme...it's to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the release of Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club and it is apparently appropriate to do so here as when The Beatles were tired of exotic jet-setting they recovered in the grounds of Chiswick House.

Just like me then.

Lesley x

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