
By RadioGirl

Thursday 8th June 2017

Even though I voted by post, there was no getting away from it being Election Day today because St Luke's was serving as a polling station. At least I managed not to cough uncontrollably during the communion service this time, which was a relief. Because the church hall was full of voters marking their X's, we had our refreshments at the back of the church itself. Photos of the two stained glass windows in the children's quiet corner in Extras.

Over to Stanway for an afternoon coffee, where I saw a table full of Kalanchöe plants in lots of different colours. The pink one pictured was my favourite, every tiny flower perfect.

At the time of writing, we only have the exit poll results on the telly but that hasn't hindered the election programmes from doing endless analysis already. In their own words, if the exit polls are even slightly wrong it could change things quite drastically, so they could have saved themselves the bother and started coverage later on when some real results have come through to look at. Think I'll go to bed now, as it's already annoying me :-(

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