Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Top secret

Top Gun and I were wandering the nearby wetland centre when we came across this mysterious missile installation. On closer examination we decided it may have been a bit of a old agricultural scrap - something off the back of a combine harvester perhaps.

The day before travelling is always a bit weird, but we did the obligatory packing, list making, and fighting with the BA website for seats next to each other tomorrow. 

The weather was glorious so we had ice creams whilst we were out. And I had a morello cherry bakewell after my supper tonight. I am very in to puddings at the moment. I think it might be a symptom of ageing. Oh and Top Gun made muffins. Banana muffins. I don't know why, but he is on a mission to do new things at the moment. They were excellent although a bit of a strange shape with a dodgy looking mustard colour icing "wig". Donald Trump lookalikes but very nice.

I went nihilist for a while today. I’ve always had the tendency. Believe it or not, aged eleven I remember sitting on a bus and concluding that life was intrinsically pointless. It wasn’t just an intellectual conclusion; I looked at the people around me on the top deck in a haze of cigarette smoke - yes you really could light up on a bus in those days - and could see nothing of objective value. It both thrilled an appalled me at the same time and was in fact an emotional as opposed to a philosophical moment. I felt that everything I had ever known or experienced was really existing in a pointless void.

Of course later on I discovered alcohol, sex, movies, art, photography, banter, gardening, cooking, nature, travelling, and numerous other distractions. But my inner Woody Allen was still telling me that life, the Universe and everything was really all just a joke, albeit possibly a very clever one.

Anyway I got over that, had a conversation with a pig, came home and had a beer. The pig is here if you are interested. Or not, if you are a nihilist.

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