Springtime on Arran

A lazy morning, packing and Mike had some work to do. It sunny but turned to drizzle when we left, I thought that was going to be it so I was happily surprised when it soon cleared and the rest of the day was beautiful'
We went to Arran Foods and bought some chutneys for £1 each and some marmalade. On to Lamlash to the curtain/gift shop where we spent some more of our present money, including a gorgeous thistle and hares lampshade and base.
We walked round the pier looking across to Holy Isle with boats dotted in front. We watched the little ferry return.
Feeling hungry we went to The Pier end Tavern for dinner. I had lasagne that was very GOOD :)
On to see the seals at least 12 resting on the rocks, two geese were at the burn and tiny sand pipers stood on one of the rocks. A large yacht with sun on the white sail came round the corner.
We then went for a pleasant wander through Dyemill woods and then down to Kildonan for one last look at the view and the otter. Beautiful all round and the tulips are we full bloom. I took some photos and went back to the car . Mike had spotted the otter at the edge of the sand so it must have been in front of me. I was busy looking at the view and the noisy terns.Luckily it popped up on the rocks to eat a fish.. We went for a walk on the beach when it disappeared , lovely rocks and lots of shells to collect.
We finished the day with a walk near the burn that goes up to the waterfall. The bluebells and wild garlic are almost open the wood was full of 'grandads shirt buttons' and wood anemones. I thought we would have met a few people but we did nt see a soul.

I was very sad to her that the beautiful Maeve the Deerhound , Beachcomber149 and Apothecary 7's dog passed away this morning.I was very lucky to meet her a few times and feel that I have been out for many walks with her. I know she'll be greatly missed, a real Gently Giant.

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