
By Houseonahill6

Flying squirrel

What a stunning day. Blue skies and sunshine from start to finish and no wind so I was out in the garden very early , just 4 degrees at that point so abit chilly but great to listen to the birds singing.I had great views of the male bullfinch finding in the blossom trees next to the arbour. As the sunrise the temperature rose too. I heard a commotion in the trees and glimpsed this beautiful red squirrel running through the branches , not at all easy to capture as it was so quick but so nice to see. Would be great if they came into the garden but only seen one a couple of times. I did pop some more nuts out, no squirrel but a tiny vole and mouse enjoyed a treat, especially the vole who went away with cheek fulls.
I sat out till it was dark watching a few bats flying around.
I saw three swallows earlier as well :)

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