Egyptian humour

I mentioned to a friend on Saturday night I wanted to buy some linen to get some clothes made. We were in downtown where you can buy almost anything. It turned out we weren't far from the area where men's clothing is sold and also where a lot of fabric for suits can be purchased. The shop where these men worked caught my eye as it had a lot of cotton in the windows too, in plains, checks and stripes.

The shorter of the two men was very happy to serve us. His few words of English and mine of Arabic, with my Egyptian friend translating made for a lovely, lively chat. He noted my surprise at how cheap linen was, and the fact that it was half the price of the same stuff in my local area. He apologised, as many do, when they see people being overcharged. He also said I'll need less than what I'd been told by the same expensive shop. I promised I'd return with my clothes to copy.

I took this photo tonight when I returned. Lots of smiles when I entered the shop and great service. I was even given a small discount, a very kind gesture on their behalf. I was without my friend and translator, but we managed.

I now have three pieces of fabric and, just as, if not more so important, another memory to add to the bank of Egyptian kindness and fun that I've experienced while living here.

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