And did those feet . . .

A bit of a wander round West Yorkshire today, always something we both enjoy doing, it brings back so many memories – things that we remember, things we had forgotten about, things that are still there, things that have gone.

But I had a specific aim in mind today  - to trace the footsteps of my great, great, great grandfather in Bingley. The Rev. William was Minister at the Independent Chapel in Bingley from 1841 to 1848 and recently I discovered that the current United Reformed Church is still the same building. So we hunted it out and I think I have also found where the family lived just round the corner. My great, great grandfather, his son, spent his early childhood here and he would have known very well the back streets round the Chapel where there are lots of steps like this, built to enable local people to get to work at the woollen mills down by the river.
I love these steps and can’t help wondering about all the people whose footsteps have worn the stones. This picture then seems to reflect my going-back-through-time trip
However, the day was by no means over at this point. We left Bingley and drove on to Saltaire, where we met up with two lovely ladies – Jeanneb53 and Wendles56. I suppose this was a blipmeet, but it was also a reunion of ex-colleagues, and a get together of friends. (I have put the picture of the two of them, with Gordon, in extras). A delightful lunch in Salts Mill. Some great conversation. Thanks to you both for coming to meet us.


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