Am I doing it right?

Erm, I did think twice about this picture, as I'm SURE small toddlers are not supposed to go anywhere near an axe, so there we are, good, responsible parenting out in the open. 

We had I trip I've sort of been looking forward to, and the boys will appreciate today, to collect a 'new' push chair, as the one we have is greatly disliked by the toddler and I've relented and got a side by side one for them.  New, means third hand from e-bay, so we're now on our third push chair, having sworn blind we would make do with the first (until we needed to carry two children around...).  My poor planning, meant the children had a bit of a rubbish morning as we didn't really do anything, and then nap time was spent in the car going to collect the new push chair.  To let of steam / energy when we got back, Dirk took advantage of the beautiful day to chop some wood - with a little help from a toddler.  

The little boy had a really rather dull day, which hasn't been helped by his teething, he has two molars coming through, so he's very up and down, which is damn hard work for everyone at the moment.  Tomorrow, we're putting the new push chair to good use and getting out and about. 

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