Flowers at FUF's

FUF's is 'Friday under Fives' - it's the favourite group of the week for me and the toddler, the youngest hasn't quite got an opinion on these things yet.  FUF's never fails to entertain, it's full of life, fun and I always meet the loveliest of other mothers there, so look forward to seeing almost friends.  Sad to think that just as I'm making friends here, we know we're off - albeit in a couple of months.  Then it will be a case of finding new friends again! 

I snapped this at FUF's - the flower arrangements had bird of paradise flowers in them - FUF's is run at the Baptist Church, hence the flower arrangements.  They're one of my favourite flowers, now more than ever as they remind me of my mother in law's garden which has them, they're even more beautiful there. 

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