Fun in the cold....

Thanks boys - all slept until 7am!  Amazing! Admittedly, the eldest came into  bed at 2am, but the youngest didn't make a sound all night.  And even the cat had the decency to spend the night outside, so no getting up to let him out.  

After our rather lazy morning, we went out to our local coffee shop, the boys played beautifully in the toy area before we braved going out into the freezing cold.  I had to give pretty clear directions of which cars they could play with as most had a pool of (freezing) water on the seats, however this aside, the boys were in their element chasing each other around.  I managed to convince them to go into a shop with me for about 5 minutes, before we were back outside. 

Husband home, boys fast asleep, all is well. 

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