
By Munroist4113

Park - in the dark

We picked Ella up from school, with her bike, then had a snack at home before picking Nathaniel,up from nursery. Than we were able to take them to the park when it was still light - yes the days are getting longer again. Hooray.

However they didn't want to go home so we were still there after 5pm. In the dark. We'd expected to get back earlier - They complained to their dad that their supper was cold! Oops.

Daughter had a late night at school, as she is still marked her A level mocks. But she is happy - her friend from babyhood has got tickets for Queens tennis for the two of them to celebrate their 40th. Wonder who is babysitting?!

Getting a placard sorted for the Newcastle NHS demo on Saturday. It is going to be a family event - daughters, partners and grandchildren with us. I can't believe it has come to this. The daughters cut their demo teeth on CND and anti-apartheid marches in their childhood. Now times seem even tougher. We might be in our 70s but we won't be giving in to Trump, Tory NHS privitisation policy or Brexit.

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