A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Armed and Dangerous

Fortunately this was not the case earlier in the day when she had encountered the swan. Well more accurately the poor, minding her own business swan encountered Albi.  Stupid dog thought a staring conversation with a swan would end well. Fortunately she allowed herself to be distracted by a squeaky ball and came away unharmed.  I preferred it when she was properly nervous of swans though and gave them a wide berth.  Not so keen where this slightly wary but really rather intrigued approach is going to end...

In the meantime all she has used this stick for is taking a glove from an innocent passerby on the walk home. 

I can't begin to write about the Indiana Jones style puzzle solving required to negotiate the complicated world of the Council's Parking Permit renewal website.  Perhaps tomorrow if we are able to complete round 2. 

The decorating has started and it seems the best thing to make our living room look lovely and spacious is to cover all our furniture in white dust sheets.  It may not be practical but it is highly effective. 

Small amounts of work. Large amounts of table tennis. Medium amounts of laundry. Large amounts of cooking. Tiny amounts of unauthorised* C*******s shopping. And that is all. 

Lesley x

*we haven't had our meeting yet. 

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