A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Not a Christmas blip

Obviously really as it is not December but just heading off any complaints at the pass.

We had a brief period of Anna seeing if she would enjoy factory work (apparently something she has always fancied trying) as we sorted stockings for the school Christmas Fair next weekend. The stockings needed the loops moving from the present-falling out halfway down position to the balanced hanging on the fireplace top. The factory answer for the record is, fun but not for long so perhaps not as a job then.

Today has seen a lot of tidying and sorting, a dog walk and a barrecore class (for me only) and a very splendid roast chicken lunch and a kitchen filled with Christmassy smells from the cooking up of stock. And it has also seen a big step forward on our next treatment plan for J. It will take a lot from all of us and will be a huge effort and I am trying very hard not to have too high hopes for the difference it will make whilst staying really positive and hoping it will make a difference.

This evening we watched Star Wars III so I am finally caught up on the ones I hadn't watched and we can now move on to 4, 5 and 6 with a filled in backstory. I place a lot of blame for the whole thing at Mace Windu's arrogant door.

Lesley x

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