A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

As seen in Oddbins window

I'm sure it's meant to be the wine issue.

Nothing to say about today. I am trying to adopt the current First Lady's mantra, "when they go low, we go high."

Oh but I will tell you something that should make anyone who has come within a 20mile radius of me laugh...I was described by someone today as an introvert. To be fair to her she is a virtual work colleague, as in we haven't met in person but I was still a little surprised and did have to check I hadn't misheard.

A pretty solid work day for me has kept me quite distracted from the global madness. And some lovely things on the home front have kept me happy. Jackson had a friend over and they laughed and asked rude questions of Siri. (I think she ignored them). And Anna and Peri played Bounce Off - a kind of kid-friendly non-beer pong. And Carl and I have the lovely Victoria Coren-Mitchell to entertain us. And Albi is gorgeously exhausted after a day playing with her doggy pals at daycare. Our now regular cleaner came so the house is lovely and shiny. And finally, spreading or horizons a tiny bit further afield, I had a few reasons to be out and about in Chiswick today and bumping into lots of great neighbours and friends and chatting to Casper the Friendly Florist and the folks in my favourite coffee shop, Hack and Veldt, made me really appreciate how lucky we are to be part of this community.

Lesley x

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