A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Why the big paws?

Forgot to write about a conversation I had with Anna on Saturday...

A: what's an immigrant?

Cue reasonable length conversation about migration / immigration / your basic human geography 101 on population movement.

A: So are the Bs (SooB & co) immigrants?


A: Oh.

Big paws pause....

A: I thought immigrant meant terrorist.

Cue considerably lengthier conversation on politicians, media and the press and the politics of fear and hate and Brexit and the US election and the practicalities of building large walls....broad enough to count as General Studies I think (do they still do that?).

Seems appropriate I remember the conversation on the day all eyes are staring over the Pond wondering who we will get to be the next Leader of the Free World. Perhaps Obama will stage a sit-in? If it does all go wrong I think I will watch nightly episodes of The West Wing and pretend it's The News.

In our small bit of the world, a physically and emotionally exhausting day...chaotic but good first 4 hours of work and stuff.

Horrendous middle 5 hours.

Things picked up and late afternoon / evening has been back to the good work and stuff.

And now we end with the possibility of a carrot of hope being dangled in front of us. I honestly can't bear to think about it.

I would really like to know what the karma requirements are to come back as a golden retriever.

Lesley x

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