A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Smelling the roses

Well not quite obviously but remembering that blip helps you stop and see pretty things that catch your eye and give them just that tad more attention than a fleeting glance.

Today has been a direct opposite of yesterday’s day of sloth and has involved double dog walks (one with a neighbour and one with a friend - Albi approves of this approach to socialising) and a swim. Which I nearly didn’t go to as I was feeling tired but as is ALWAYS* the case swimming made me feel better. I do hope I get to come back as a mermaid.

And an evening of being efficient - partly learning how to be Secretary and doing Secretary like things for J’s school PTA and partly booking restaurants for a sneaky indulgent trip Carlos and I have coming up.

Lesley x

*future self, are you listening?

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