It started to rain when we left our home for the afternoon walk. Nevertheless we drove to the last farm in Gründefeld where we had seen yellow rape fields. Rapefields in the month of October? Yes, and a beautiful sight when the sun is shining.
Soon on our walk up to the Hölleberg we saw sheep and we could reach them easily. We found the shepherd with his two dogs and we talked for a while. He had been his whole life shepherd, as had been his father and his grandfather, a real dynasty for such a long time. However, he did not want his sons to become a shepherd.
We explained how wonderful we found the landscape here, loved to walk every day and he answered that he rather would have been a shepherd in The Netherlands where he would not have to climb every day the mountains up and down.
His dogs were such gentle creatures, now and then they started to run towards the sheep,, but they were called back, no need still.
After our talk the shepherd walked down the hill, and it was then that I had taken this photo.
Piet Hein and I climbed higher up, sat on the bench at the highest point and enjoyed the sunshine.
We took another path down.

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