In the morning, the sky was blue and sunny, Piet Hein, Mischa and I cycled to the beach, walked to the north and back and just when we came near our bikes, there came a woman riding a scootmobil down the dune path. She halted, because there were workmen busy to dismantle the beachpavillions, using a very high crane.
I saw her decorated steer panel and asked her if I might take a picture of this amazing sight. She was a lovely lady and acknowledged that this was a special sight.
She told us why she had decorated her steer. It was quite a moving story.
Four years ago, she said, she had had a fall at midday in her kitchen and was paralysed from her neck to toe. Four years she had worked extremely hard at the rehab. The doctors had warned her that she probably never ever could walk again.
She did not gave up, however. She practised every day!
Then she could walk just a little and to be granted to ride a scootmobil one has to prove one would walk some steps.
But she was so ashamed of riding this helpful vehicle that she had come up with this extraordinary idea to beautify it. She had glued eyes and lips (as you can see) on the metal, put doll's cloths on it too and there she went. She let children come near and play with the signs and signal.
But she also told us that she often cried when on her way.
When someone asked her if anything was wrong, she answered simply:  it is the wind!
We told her that we found her extremely brave and creative too and wished her a very good day.

I am behind with browsing and commenting too, but after our meal tonight I'll come back.

My haiku:

Eye catching eyes I
Stare at you in awe and will
Not easy forget you

And the quote by J.M. Barrie, Rectorial Adress, St. Andrew's, May 3, 1922:

Courage is the thing, All goes if courage goes.

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