The end

And so a long and beautiful summer drifts gently to an end. A summer full of weddings and BBQs, trips and travels and some of my favourite people in the whole world. I've also explored more of the Shropshire countryside than in the three years previous. It's been so wonderful. And much as I'm looking forward to getting back to work tomorrow, it will be sad that the summer holidays are drawing to a close.

Today was the perfect way to end a perfect summer, a glorious final day with two of the best, exploring one of my favourite Shropshire towns: Ludlow! We walked around the local countryside (alas, map reading fail) and then explored the quirky alleys and interesting shops in town. Ludlow is a beaut, but on days like today it was exceptionally wonderful. A quick final dinner back in Shrewsbury before we said goodbye to Rob at the train and soaked up a bit more sun.

I'm going to try and embrace Autumn and winter this year, and having a bank full of incredible summer memories will hopefully help.

(Upper body update: I can barely move. Even changing gear was painful today).

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