County Fair

I have a little history with the Shiawassee County Fair. In the early 60's...every year...our family would make a point to visit. Always a high point.

It used to be held about 3 miles from our a park called McCurdy. We always called it..."the park where the bears stink." They always had a bear or two in cages. This was before the animal rights groups were around. PETA would not have approved.

When I was 11 or 12, I rode my bike there for a "date" with a little girl from church. I'll never forget that I had 4 dollars in my pocket for the date. We had a grand time on that 4 bucks...spending the last few pennies in one of those "picture machines."

I think it's good for a city boy to see the sights and smells of the country. I usually step in a big pile of horse manure...just to get a feel for it. gives the horse people a good laugh, and a story to tell.

I don't know who acted more citified...Merrick or my daughter. "Dad...don't let him touch that's got spit all over it!" "Can't they turn the cows we don't have to look at the rear end?" Merrick had to be coaxed into feeling the bunny. When he finally petted it...I think he said "stew...stew."

I love to see the country kids taking care of their animals. For one week a year...they take center stage.

Memories from almost 50 years ago. Now...instead of that 4 dollars buying me a night of buys me a gallon of gas.

Maybe it's time to return to everybody riding a horse.

Click her into LARGE to see my daughter, Heidi Klum, and the little farm girl getting her lambs ready to show. Click it into flickr to see the animals that were cut from the collage.

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