Sleeping Baby

Let Sleeping Dogs Babies Lie.

Or, at least that's what they say.

Merrick, our little man, had a sleepover at Grandma's last night. We had to force him to bed at 9:15. I thought he would watch the Olympics with me...but he wasn't interested. "Merrick...come quick!!'s women's beach volleyball!!" interest. Maybe the Games of 2032 will attract him more.

I heard him rouse at 7:21 a.m. Being a helpless male...I nudged my wife awake. "The baby's awake. What should I do?" "Ignore him for a few minutes." As our's not Father Knows Best... it's Grandma knows best. After 10 minutes...he was asleep again.

We finally had to wake him up so we could get to church on time. I took 10 shots before we woke him up. Such a face of innocence. HAAA!!

He was sleeping with Clifford, the big red dog.

My son Jeff really liked Clifford, and that was before the big dog had his own program on PBS. I watched the episode the other day at Merrick's house where Clifford , the puppy, showed up.

It appeared that the red dog was so full of love...that he just kept growing and growing. His doggie body grew to match the size of his heart. He got so big that the family had to move out of their some kind of island.

The little man brings out that kind of love. Bigger-than-a-house kind of love. Although very devilish at times...he is so fun to watch...and to watch develop. I drop him and Grandma off at the side door. He waits by the door until I come in. He takes my pointer finger, and we enter the lobby together. After church is over, he wheels around the chair cart with me, as we pick up 189 chairs...7 in a pile.

Watching the beach volleyball without Merrick. Lisa says..."None of these girls should be wearing bikinis...they just don't look good in them." Taking my glued eyes away from the set...(sigh)...I might have to agree.

Here's to sleeping babies and Clifford. If everybody had a heart as big as Clifford...what a world that could be.

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