A Plate Hopper

I guess this insect liked the plate better than the grass. There was another platehopper right behind this one.

I finally decided to quit being an Olympic sluggard, and get out and
do something. Anything.

First...I had to wait for the cable guy to show up. You know how it is...somewhere between 10 and 12. "Nate", the cable guy...showed up at 10:05. Pretty good.

We finally got DVR. Don't ask me what it stands for...I just know that I can "tape" stuff now. So many things to learn...no brain to learn it with.

We're both to the point where we hate the cable company. They've got you right by the you-know-whats. A bill arrives one month...$35 higher the next...with no explanation. I miss the old days where you had to get up to change the channel, and to turn the rotor.

Worked in the yard from 11:30 to 5. Finally took my camera next door to see what I could see. Juanita, my neighbor, caught me in her yard...and we talked...and talked...and talked. Well...I listened.

Back to my Olympics now. When I was in the back yard...I actually got some withdrawal shakes. Hmmm....maybe I should have tried my new DVR. I don't care much for new things...but will try to figure it out.

I always wondered why grasshoppers take off when you sneak up on them. Put it in LARGE to see those twin "eyes" on their back legs. I don't think that's what they are...or maybe this guy is a freak of nature.

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