A Stranger in a Strange Land

25-30 ducks, and 1 seagull. If I was a seagull, those aren't odds that I would like.

But, the ducks were pretty much ignoring the gull. Like he had that seagull "scent" that the ducks didn't want to get near. It was as if the ducks were thinking..."Why don't you leave the pond to us, and go back to the seashore? Why don't you go swipe a toddler's sandwich? Why don't you go beg for bread crumbs?"

The seagull answered back...pictured here..."THIS IS BULL! I AM A GULL! I HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO BE HERE! THIS IS NOT YOUR POND! IT IS OUR POND!"

Sounds like a politician...maybe a seagull senator.

I waited for 20 minutes for the gull to fly. While the ducks may think him rank...I wanted him to leave the bank. The departure shot, and four others are on my FLICKR PAGE.

I'm off to the vet with our chihauhau...complete with a stool sample (hers, not mine.) Why me?

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