michigan man

By outdoorguy

A Bather

When I worked at the Post Office, we had an elderly(60ish) carrier who wasn't fond of walking. She loved the driving routes, but every time a supervisor told her she had to deliver a walking route...she started wailing. "I can't walk! I can't walk! Why do you make me walk?" 5-6 of us soon had a pretty good impression of her.

I'm pulling it out now. "I can't walk." Unlike Jenny, the old carrier, I have a pretty good excuse. My ankle is 2 different shades of purple, and is still pretty puffed up. I don't want to go far. It was even tough to chase Merrick around the living room today. We are watching him for 4-5 days while my daughter and her husband are in Myrtle Beach. WHEW! He tires me out.

I drove to the river, and joined the fishermen on the banks. Ducks and geese and dragonflies. This was my favorite of the bunch. I like how the water is spraying out. I couldn't decide whether to call her a bather, or a mover, or a shaker. Bather won.

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