A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


A large chunk of today was spent hanging out at the Wetland Centre with my little nephew whilst his mom went off to an antenatal appointment. Fortunately I had two helpers with me as the combination of speed and determination in an area with access to open water was a little challenging at times. Anna did a great job on pram-watch and Jackson proved to be an excellent sheep-dog. It's fair to say that we didn't see much wildlife and certainly didn't stop to read any information sheets but now we've discovered the Wetland Centre we will certainly be back. And it was a lot of fun to hang out with Will who is one of the most good-natured, easy-going toddlers I have come across. Once we discovered the enclosed adventure playground that was thankfully free of open-water we could all relax and have lots of fun exploring and playing.

The rest of the day has involved a small amount of work, a small amount of ironing and holiday prep, a small amount of badminton playing and a very large amount of Olympic watching. I really can't get enough and have no idea how we will cope when we're in Spain next week. Must investigate live streaming options.

Lesley x

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