A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


*An example of a thing that Homer wouldn't say whilst eating a doughnut so clearly not something either of the children would say whilst posing for a photograph eating a Homer inspired photograph.  So here are some doughnuts on their own. 

Victoria Coren-Mitchell has a theory that Great British Bake Off hasn't got people baking more but people are just watching more baking on telly and eating more cake. I'm not sure our quantity of baking has increased that much but we are definitely making different things and we largely take our inspiration from the technical challenges. Anna and I have been talking about making doughnuts for a long time and finally got around to it today.  I'm not a doughnut fan but they have been very well received by the two we have in the household. I was concerned the icing wasn't lurid enough but it passed muster. 

Today started at stupid o'clock thanks to my stupid brain thinking the best way to deal with the work thing I am slightly focused on for tomorrow would be by being under slept.  It does mean it has felt very long already. By 8.15am the dog had already had a long walk and I was back at home with the kids playing Jenga (this was going to be a beautifully timed photo of the tower collapsing around J but I thought there may have been too many gaming blips of late). Not that the day hasn't still contained lots of gaming. As well as the baking there has been Tailball, badminton and the Monopoly folks finally finishing their game. And then immediately starting a new one.  For the record, Carl won by a considerable margin and then had the audacity to complain that "he felt bad about it". Pah!

Squeezed in or around all of that I have had two big chunks of working that I think mean everyone is happy with what we are going to do tomorrow and will hopefully be happy tomorrow after we have done it. 

For now, and speaking of VCM, it is time for Only Connect. 


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