A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

We're on the road again

Despite a slightly late departure time and more traffic jams than expected causing a longer morning in the car than promised, after a lovely lunch in a very lovely square in the old town of Poitiers, everyone happily headed back to the car. For, it turns out, a much longer than expected afternoon and evening drive due to a series of traffic jams of varying severity. Somehow everyone kept their spirits up and the only squabbling was of the sort that amuses three of us no end, and one is learning to enjoy / love / endure...for example, "if you are allowed to sing in your personal space, then I should be allowed to breathe in mine." I would explain that this followed a ridiculous overeating of intense mint tictacs and insisting on breathing on everybody but it might not sound as plausible a defence as it played out as at the time.

Anyway, we are now in Spain. Just. San Sebastián to be precise. In a very lovely hotel that I am very tempted not to leave. And of course it has late night tapas and very nice wine to greet us and soothe away any thoughts of 12hours in a car.

Lesley x

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