A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

It's All Relative

I love my family very much but not even close to enough to agree to play Monopoly with them. To further endorse the harmony maintaining wisdom of my choice to instead sit in The Chair reading, I have been informed it is doubling as a lesson in "teaching the children how the world really works".

Earlier we had a fairly mammoth playing session of a game of TailBall followed by a game of Cheese Touch.

In between the two one of my brothers popped around and I graciously allowed him to sit in The Chair and even delivered beer to it. It's a wonder he left.

An undefined amount of progress has been made on packing and sorting. Well sorting anyway and the joyous realisation that there is no more shopping to be done for growing children. There may be a small amount of packing later but I'm off to savour the quiet of playing the Hermit Game. It's just for one player.

Lesley x

EDIT: In a shocking news update it turns out the Olympics Monopoly Edition has run out of money so they are "borrowing" from the Wolverhampton Edition. I suggested it was immoral and got sharply told that apparently it is only a game by the children, and that it was necessary quantitative easing by Carlos. I'm going back to The Chair.

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