A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Graduation Party

Seems only right to include a picture of the borrowed necklace...with the graduate, her boyfriend and her parents.

They headed into town to collect robes and do the clapping, certificate bit at The Barbican.

Meanwhile I took Anna to collect the results of her MRI. She has damaged a ligament between the first and second joints in her thumb. We had to delay this appointment by a fortnight due to her school show and I think that's turned out to be a good thing. They were a little surprised by what she could do with the thumb compared to the results which bodes well that it is healing and getting stronger. So she has been referred for some physio but also discharged.

The graduating/clapping troupe returned for afternoon tea at Chiswick House with Albi, dinner and an evening of games. The London Travel Game seemed to bring out the particularly cruel streaks in me, Sarah and Anna.

And there was a marathon game of chess between Jackson and my brother. Despite their longest game to date (1.25hrs) my brother remains undefeated.

Anna then taught everyone Chopsticks (the game, not the music) which was both brutal and hilarious.

A very lovely day for everyone. I always enjoy having my brother and his family to stay. They are all super chilled and the easiest of house guests.

Lesley x

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