A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Any plan is fine by me

Lovely early morning dog walk in glorious sunshine. Well if we ignore the part where the toddler who was admiring Albi from afar came face to snout with her and promptly broke down into a screaming mess. And the belligerent dog not wanting to leave the park and having to be outwitted with the promise of sticks.

Then our Plan A for the day didn't happen so there was a little dissembling as we dealt with the Awful Gremlin of Disappointment.

The Plan B day which has emerged has actually been surprisingly good:

Carcassonne for me and J.
Secret Life of Pets at the cinema for A&C.
New jamberry nails for me (It's an addiction, I don't apologise.)
Tailball for J&C and then me and J. He whooped us both and you will want to know, I'm sure, that he beat Carlos by a far greater margin than me.
Some Lara Crofting for me. Some mild mocking for the pixelated wolves that gave me nightmares in my more youthful days. (I really hope not tonight).
Family game of Carcassonne.
An enormous amount of holiday clothes and shoes sorting. It now seems more of a possibility we will be ready by Friday.
Reading The Luminaries in The Chair.
A long tug of war between Albi and Jackson. This was taken after J had won and was waiting to offer the tug (a duck's body) as a consolation prize. He describes this as the perfect Albi face. So here you have the perfect Albi face to end a day that started well, dipped dramatically and then turned out pretty fine.

A bit more stability would be nice tomorrow though.

Lesley x

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