A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Road Trip Part I

In the end some rather efficient packing allowed time for a pre-holiday pedicure and setting off a little earlier to allow for the disruption of the promised chaos at the port. Turned out wisely so, not for the traffic into Dover which was fine, but to be in line for our ferry due to huge queues and delays caused by an out of action ferry. A little tedious waiting in the port and added annoying hours to our journey that we couldn't do anything about but Albi made some friends and we passed the time offering a sanity saving petting zoo.

Arrived out our hotel later than intended but having eaten in the ferry we just headed straight to bed. Well, after a dog walk. First lesson learned is if we are running late to drop off the non driver and dog when the sat nav shows we are a mile or so away to get the exercising bit done.

Still, good hotel, all settled quickly and first part day of traveling done. Frustratingly with the delays and the sea crossing the lowest hours to miles ratio. Well we hope so anyway...

Lesley x

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