Dorothy Hat

2years 281days

Busy day today but steady in some ways too. We were up quite early, which was fine as after a wonderful evening watching the opening ceremony, I decided I was buying Olympic tickets!! She amazed me at how very very excited she is.

We got out reasonably early to nip to town before we got a bus to the village. I took some photos of friends' children who were being bridesmaids, Katie had fun playing with all their toys and trying to get girls in bridesmaid dresses to play football. We left swiftly!

We ran to the bus when I realised we could make it back in time for a swimming lesson (not her usual group but still a lesson). She did some fantastic underwater swimming today. She was doing great above the water but kept putting her left foot down to hop. Her teacher said to encourage her under and she'd just go off. And she did. She even coped brilliantly swimming in the deep end.

After swimming we had lunch in the cafeteria. The Olympics was on and she was fascinated - judo, swimming, rowing all captivated her. She was really excited to know that she's going to where the rowing was. I love that she's old enough to be involved and excited about it all.

We made a few stops in town (got some fab and cheap new props for Mummy!) and she asked for a ccino, so off we went. We made it home about 4.20. By 4.30 she had asked to go for a sleep, with Mummy cuddling her. That was it for the day.

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