My Beautiful Girl

21months 7days

Well, really early tomorrow Katie and I go off on our first jollyday together! We're flying to N. Ireland to see a friend for a long weekend (Katie's first airplane) then when we get back to England, driving down south to stay with other friends (you may see a shot or two from other journals of that trip!) before a 3day journey home, stopping at other sets of friends as we go, finishing with a visit to Uncle Fantastic. The holiday will continue after we return as we're bringing our lovely friend home with us for a few more days too. We're all packed and ready, pretty much, although I'm sure to have forgotten something in all the different bags I needed to do!

I wont be able to blip whilst we are away, I'm going to be going nuts (gosh, do I need an iPhone!) but I thought I'd leave you with something pretty for the next few days. My beautiful little girlie.

We're had a nice potter this morning. It was a beautiful start to the day , and she woke up full of smiles and songs immediately, despite waking a bit in the night (no nap never results in a good night!). She's always loved her cuddly toys, but at the moment she's even more taken to them. She's playing with everybody in turn, as well as Monkey. She spent a long time playing with Snowman and Scout, and for a good while was wandering round with her two teletubbies, who are both wearing tinybaby nappies.

Granny and Grandad came round about 9.30, to drop some things off and they had time to stay for a bit too. We went to toddlers after that. She did a very sweet glue & stick picture of a teddy that she's very proud of. In the play trays today was a whole load of ice cubes. She really enjoyed playing with that and was fascinated by the water coming off them.

We popped to the nearby town, got a couple of bargains and some pretty buns ready for this afternoon. We've got the Cousin2 coming, for a pre-birthday celebration as we (they and us!) are away for her actual birthday. It'll then be a tea of random bits to empty out the freezer and fridge, baths and an early night for this mama!

Check out the one year ago, look at the two thumbnails together, how incredible the difference 2 years makes!

Today's blip was sponsored by the wonderful morning light in my room - I really do love it!

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