Geysers, waterfalls, naked showering and Rummikub

Up and out this morning after sleeping once again like the dead last night ( thank goodness for those black out blinds). Ellis and Esja collected us at 9 and we set off on the well trodden tourist path which was nonetheless spectacular for being well trodden. First the national park, a goodly walk through the volcanic stiff, Ella gave me a grand Icelandic history brief and we saw the little (as it turned out) waterfall. For reasons best know to himself, Will sulked dramatically throughout this walk. Then Ella visited her great grandparents in the local churchyard, we visited the gift shop and the we set off again. To Geysir. Where (top fact) is the original geyser which all global geysers were subsequently named after. It was fabulously exciting, deliciously egg smelling, Will chose to stop being a sulky idiot at this point and we all loved it.

Short stop at the cafe, facilities along this tour have attracted surprise from Ella - she remembers coming to wander through all of this completely unhindered as long ago as last year - now you have to pay to park and pay the equivalent of £1 for a wee as they find ways to cope with providing the facilities as the high level of tourists need. Against the white blindly sky it was very difficult to get a good geyser shot, trust me- they were fab.

Our final tour stop was a fabulously fantastic waterfall. I have so many shots today I have just chosen this which shows the moss so well that we have seen all long today and some attempt at the power of the water. (I have so many more, if you know me I will show you another time. )We climbed up right near the waterfall, it wad hugely dramatic(not this shot at all btw)

Then we drove back, taking a tour past where Elle used to live, over a mountain pass that looks incredibly different in real live snow etc. The Bluetooth element of the stereo was banned at this point after nearly we nearly died  from boredom / depression of Daisy and Esjas music choices from their phones.

Then we were back. The girls went to the mall, Me,Ella and Will went swimming. I was proud enough of myself for the naked communal scrubbing and showering let alone Will who I sent by himself to the men's changing rooms with an attendant to tell him what to do. We all emerged unscathed(to be honest, what else would you expect) to some splendid hot tub and water slide action. All ever so good. Just not initially very British.

Got the girls then collected take away pizza for our tea and home. Will retired to his vibrating bed, Daisy and I taught E and E Rummikub. Esja won the first game, Daisy the next two - no surprise there....

What a long rambly load of words, I didn't want to forget any of it. Well done for getting this far. I am not checking any of it so will apologise now for stupid spellings.

Tomorrow, morning swimming and another road trip.......

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