Still my baby

Will signed himself up for Cub Camp a few months ago. I was a little surprised but went with it. Cub Camp started this evening, he has been quite quiet about it all week but I have been merrily skipping over his quietness, talking happily about what a great time he was gong to have.

The quietness ended last night when he presented himself in floods of tears with a "terrible headache". My boy doesn't cry on the whole. I suggested the terrible headache might have been caused by worry about going camping and that indeed was the case. My poor boy, he then couldn't stop crying. We discussed different options around going for shorter times, to see what it was like, just for daytimes, he cried more each time. So we agreed he wouldn't go, I put him to bed, he stopped crying and retained a quiet, worried air.

Which he still had this morning. We agreed he still wasn't going in any format, I rang Squirrel and told her (Jay loved this bit, he is going to be Chipmonk in the New World). then Will's friend, who he was meant to be going camping with came round for a chat. No chatting obviously, just straight DS, XBox and laughing for the next few hours. it was lovely to hear him come back to our normal Will again.

So, he hasn't gone. He is very different from Daisy at 8, but he is back to his happy, normal self and he still has his baby cheeks if i look very carefully.

And one day he will read this entry and will be cross with me for writing this all down. But it felt like a thing i really wanted to remember. I only have my stupid failing memory for days like this with Daisy who I did in fact pack her off for a weekend camping in tears when she was 9 (nearly 10!) with complete strangers, she had a great time, I worried for the entire weekend in between/addition to being hugely drunk, it was the royal wedding/street party weekend. I have had to just go back and put Daisy's ages in so we all know she wasnt just out of being 7!

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