Bank holiday

There were better photos of people (me specifically) but this one also managed to squeeze in Daisy's new phone. That's it, no more presents now until driving lessons. (Dear god, I have made myself feel quite faint with that, she was the only child in year 5 to get the level 1cycling proficiency.)

Pushing on, the Gillises rocked up at 11, we popped right out for lunch. The only crab shack tables were outside which was all fine except when it was raining but that's what they have umbrellas and blankets for. The whole new thing in our world is that the children just go home when they are ready and we have more wine. Hannah and I had a little competition to see who could make the other cry more, I won that one hands down but all to the background of having a lovely time with no actual misery for further clarity.

Then we wandered home, popped into the acclimatise her in her hotel room, stopped to do some yoga with legs up the wall, realised we were in risk of just falling asleep, went home. Fed children chicken pie thoughtfully defrosted this morning, spoke sensibly to everyone, went back to the pub. Ohhh, before the pub, I let hannah experience having a daughter and let her dye Daisy's hair which all seems to have gone well.

It's been a grand day. Work tomoz :(

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