Capital adventures

By marchmont

Wine tasting

I didn't get swimming this morning as I woke too late., That may be good.

Another productive day, clearing the 'to do' list. And I passed my probationary period!

My boss was up from London. Last week he didn't get here because of a self induced passport failure. Today he can't get back as there are no trains south of Berwick due to the landslip. He's had to return to Edinburgh and struggle to get a hotel room. Weather!

But later in Edinburgh the sun came out and it was warm. Home to meet G to talk about 'big moves' I need to do it this year. And then down across to Bruntsfield to a Hungarian, German, Austrian wine tasting. Here is Steph, our organiser.

Caught up with Y on the phone but not some other people.

It's great to see a sky with very few clouds in it. Long may it last.

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