Good news!

A couple of years ago I was chatting to a Twitter friend and she was very surprised about the fact that I had never really mentioned in my blog what she felt was a significant part of my life. The reason on that occasion is the same as the editorial principle I apply generally, which is "Is it my story to tell? Do I know the whole story?". 

And as with the story I'm going to mention, below, there are tales that I probably could have told or anonymised a bit or caveated ("as I see it...") but I've preferred to err on the side of caution, which means writing about stuff that involves me and that isn't contentious. And I apologise if that results in the occasional post about me driving somewhere and giving my theories on traffic management: now you know the reason!

For the last few years, the wife of a very good friend of mine has suffered with her health, a situation which has worsened dramatically to the point of being potentially fatal. I've listened as the news seemed to get worse and worse. And I have been quite awestruck - and I don't use that word lightly - by their ongoing strength as a couple and particularly by her bravery. I have come away from conversations with him where I have been simultaneously astounded by their endurance whilst mentally kicking myself for ever complaining about anything ever. 

For the last fortnight, they have been waiting for the results of a test. If I say that test was significant, that would be to understate matters a millionfold. Again, I simply don't know how they've managed the stress of waiting but my admiration for them has only increased.

This afternoon, this friend of mine rang to say that the test had come back clear. It's the first unqualified good news that I can remember them having for God knows how long. Given how relieved I felt, I can only imagine how it must have felt for them!

And so, this evening, the Minx and I raised a glass to the pair of them. I hope that's all the bad news behind them and that the good news keeps on rolling in.

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