The Temperance Club

The Minx and I drove Dan to work, this morning, swapping him for Abi (who prefers to stay at her mum's if she's feeling under the weather). Exchange completed, we decided to go and park up near the old station and then walk along to Brucciani's for coffee and, perhaps, a bit of breakfast.

After a small drama - they'd forgotten to turn the sign 'round and we thought they were closed - Abi and I took a table while the Minx ventured out to find a cashpoint, which resulted in her coming across a barbershop called The Temperance Club. As I have been in need of a haircut for some time, this was rather fortuitous.

So, once we'd finished in Brucciani, we walked along to the barber's and I could see immediately why it had appealed to The Minx. Although it was staffed by young people (relative to me, anyway) it was styled in an old fashioned manner, with gorgeous wooden shelves and lots barber style clutter. 

I was able to get my hair cut straightaway and I really enjoyed the ambience, not least for the excellent choice of sixties, mostly Motown music. It was a good cut, too, which is not only excellent short term news but bodes well for the foreseeable future as I have been bereft of a regular barber since the shop in Chorley closed down. 

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